How to hide your friends’ Spotify updates from your Facebook ticker | Blogads

How to hide your friends’ Spotify updates from your Facebook ticker

See no Spotify, Hear no Spotify, Share no Spotify

Some of us feel like music is innately social, and have welcomed the recent marriage of Spotify and Facebook. Others don’t give a flying flip about what our friends are listening to, and have no intention of ever signing up for Spotify and listening to the new Wilco album. Or whatever else our friends like these days.

For those of us in the latter category, there’s an easy way to hide Spotify updates from your ticker, as well as your news feed, so you can get back to seeing more of the likes and comments you’ve grown to love.

Here’s how to hide Spotify updates in 3 easy steps.

1. Find your ticker.

You know, it’s that Facebook in your Facebook.

2. Identify a Spotify superfan and click.

And give one last shake of the head at your friend’s taste.

3. Click the magically appearing drop-down arrow and select “Hide All by Spotify.”

You won’t see that arrow at first, but when you hover over it, it will reveal itself to you.

And then that’s it! No more participating in an aeons-old tradition of music sharing against your will.

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