Curated Just for You – Links from the Blogads Network
by Paige WilcoxThursday, February 28th, 2013
I’ll save you some time weeding through the Internet for this week’s best posts, so here’s a look at some links from around the Blogads network that I’ve found particularly entertaining this week:
Immaculate Infatuation’s favorite Busboys review Catch:
Reviewing a seafood restaurant from a dirty bath tub is just so on point.
WSWCM capture how the Busboys may have felt after their Catch meal:
Tomorrow is another day.
Betches Love This spotlights “Lena Dunham Auditions for Zero Dark Thirty” as the video of the day:
To be fair, I’d ask to take the cupcake, too. Otherwise, that’s just wasteful.
Tom and Lorenzo give a rundown of the Oscars’ red carpet fashion:
There’s plenty more Oscar/after-party coverage on the site, too. My favorite highlight went to J.Law’s after-party dress.
GalaDarling shares a few of her favorite February things:
I can definitely vouch for her manicuring rec. Looking forward to more from this column!