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Archive for the ‘Great ads’ Category

#FTW: Blogads creation wins IAC “Best Advertising Online”

by Kate Studwell
Wednesday, March 27th, 2013

Blogads, Wieden+Kennedy, and ABC have been presented with the Internet Advertising Competition’s “Best Advertising Online Ad” award for 2013.

The award was given for a series of interstitial ads on PerezHilton.com that responded to reader behavior and tied into the theme of ABC’s “GCB,” which features former nemeses who hide their disdain behind the veil of Southern charm. The show starred Kristen Chenoweth and was produced by Darren Star (of “Sex and the City” fame).

If a reader wanted to tweet a PerezHilton.com story, a pop up reminded them “Thou Shalt Not Tweet More Than 140 Characters.” Other behavior on the site prompted similar commandments, such as “Thou shalt not look at sexy photos” or “Thou shalt not covet another man’s wife” when viewing stories about attractive married celebs.

A big congratulations to our sales, programming, design and project management teams for their work. Thank you IAC!

Blogads joins other IAC prize winners in other categories including The Coca-Cola Company, Target, Huge, and CNN.

[Image via reactiongifs.com]

The best ads ever — lately!

by Nick Faber
Thursday, May 17th, 2012

The blog, “Best Ads Ever,” hasn’t posted a new ad since October 2011. Does that mean the last ad they posted is truly the BEST EVER?

No! Here are the best ads ever — since October 2011 — according to the rest of the blogosphere. (more…)

ABC’s commandments for Perez Hilton’s readers

by Nick Faber
Tuesday, February 21st, 2012

Thinking of leaving a comment on one of Perez Hilton‘s posts? Today, there’s a commandment for that.

To promote its controversial comedy-drama GCB, ABC is running a series of interstitial ads throughout the popular gossip blog, featuring tongue-in-cheek commandments related to reader behavior.

The show, based on the book “Good Christian Bitches,” is full of religious imagery and references, including the tagline, “Love Thy Neighbor,” making this ad campaign divinely inspired indeed. (more…)

Planned Parenthood strikes while the iron’s hot

by Nick Faber
Friday, February 10th, 2012

The Planned Parenthood Action Fund grabbed prime real estate today — at exactly the right moment!

As news of the President’s decision to compromise on his controversial birth control announcement unfolded on Daily Kos today (see three screenshots below), Planned Parenthood’s bright pink ads ran right alongside the story. The ad takeover and fully-clickable background skin encourages the active readers of Daily Kos to voice their support of women’s access to birth control.


Nuclear Aftershocks skins on political blogs

by Nick Faber
Tuesday, January 17th, 2012

Seeing little green men on your favorite political blogs today? No need to adjust your monitor for this takeover. Frontline is advertising their new special, “Nuclear Aftershocks,” on Daily Kos, Power Line and Wonkette with fully clickable skins and embedded promo videos. This gorgeous execution should make other advertisers a little green with envy. (more…)

The heralded and hideous ad campaign of Call of Duty

by Nick Faber
Wednesday, January 4th, 2012

To civilian gamers and journalists, the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 commercial starring Jonah Hill and Sam Worthington is an instant classic. The video, by 72andsunny, features the two A-list movie stars gleefully battling their way through war-torn New York geared up with army vests and kick-ass weaponry. When Tim Nudd featured the spot in November as the Adweek Ad of the Day in November, the video had already amassed 2 million views on YouTube.

But to writer and Afghanistan vet DB Grady, the commercial is “hideous.” (more…)

Advertising futuristic technology: Google and Mullen just get it

by Nick Faber
Tuesday, January 3rd, 2012

These phones aren’t for media geeks. Or social mavens. Or tech ninjas. They’re for you. And your pretty face.

Kudos to Mullen for breathing real life into these ads. Like last year’s Dear Sophie spot by BBH, they treat our new relationship with technology like the fact of life that it is. We’re no longer surprised that we can do these fantastic things with our phones. Welcome to the future, George Jetson.

The Best Blogads of 2011

by Nick Faber
Friday, December 9th, 2011

For what has been a very innovative year for us, we’ve published some of the best Blogads we’ve seen since 2002. Many advertisers jumped at the chance to add YouTube videos or “tweetability” to their ads — sometimes both — while others continued to produce killer creative that followed (and sometimes broke) all the rules.

Here are our favorite Blogads from 2011:

Current TV – Countdown and The Young Turks

Why we love them: When Current TV launched the revamped Countdown with Keith Olbermann, they embedded custom videos that spoke directly to the readers of specific blogs. For maximum reach, they also made the ads tweetable. The campaign was so successful that, 6 months later, they took a similar approach for their newest show, The Young Turks.

Here’s a sample of the videos that ran in the ads:
Keith gives a shout out to Alternet readers
Cenk says hey to Crooks and Liars readers


Great photos make great ads. Stock photos? Not so much.

by Nick Faber
Monday, September 12th, 2011

image via stockshits.com

Camera Clara Photography, a studio in Brazil, has presented a clear choice for advertisers: Use a great photographer and get a great ad. Use a stock image and get shit.

Don’t believe them? Check out stockshits.com and see what could have happened if memorable ads had used forgettable stock photos.

(via Ads of the World)

Chipotle and Willie Nelson do right by ad bloggers

by Nick Faber
Thursday, September 1st, 2011

It takes a really great ad to impress the advertising blogerati, who see and opine about every ad in every medium. Chipotle has a real winner on its hands with its “Back to the Start” video, which will soon be airing in US movie theaters. Here’s what 8 bloggers who have seen the best and worst our industry has to offer, think about the spot:

Darryl Ohrt, Brandflakes for Breakfast:

This new ad for Chipotle is beautiful. Or as beautiful as you could ever make the act of harvesting animals for food.


David Burn, AdPulp:

Chipotle is committed to sustainable farming. Willie Nelson is committed to sustainable farming. So it makes sense to feature Nelson covering Coldplay in this new stop-motion animated short film called “Back to the Start” that depicts a farmer’s journey to sustainable farming.



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