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Archive for the ‘Bull City’ Category

Rattling around the new office

by Henry Copeland
Monday, July 1st, 2013

With 7600 square feet of new office space, we’re puzzled about where to put some of the desks. (Staring Martin and Bruno, shot with Martin’s GoPro.) Click a couple of times and you’ll get the gif below to animate.

New pizza joint coming to Durham

by Henry Copeland
Monday, June 4th, 2012

Looks like the rumors of a new pizzeria in the center of Durham are true. This sign went up last week at 101 East Chapel Hill Street for Pizzaria Toro.

The place will be operated by Gray Brooks, who got started cooking at Crooks Corners while a student at UNC and more recently was Executive Chef of Seattle’s Serious Pie.

You can follow them on Twitter here.

Now hiring: Advertising and social media positions in Durham, NC

by Nick Faber
Wednesday, May 30th, 2012

Blogads, a digital advertising firm, has been a media innovator since 1998.  We represent 3500+ blogs including market leaders like PerezHilton, ThinkProgress, and TrailerAddict.  We work closely with advertisers in industries including entertainment, consumer packaged goods, retail, and technology.

We are currently hiring for two new positions: (more…)

Blogads stands with local startups against NC Amendment One

by Nick Faber
Monday, April 30th, 2012

New companies are always popping in North Carolina, or moving here and thriving on the diverse, talented and highly educated workforce found in the state’s urban centers. But on May 8, North Carolinians will vote on an a constitutional amendment that would harm many of our talented citizens, as well as our state’s reputation as a entrepreneurial hotbed.


We’re looking for interns!

by Nick Faber
Thursday, January 26th, 2012

We’re looking for some dog-loving social media fanatics to join us in our new office in Downtown Durham, NC. We currently seek two interns to help us with account management and social media strategy.

Check out the Blogads Careers page for more info and to learn how to apply.

Donald Hughes at the State of the Union Tweetup #WHTweetup

by Nick Faber
Wednesday, January 25th, 2012

Blogads.com’s Political Strategist, Donald Hughes, was in Washington, DC last night for the first State of the Union Tweetup hosted by the White House. Here are some of the highlights from his day… Storified! (more…)

Mr. Hughes Goes to Washington

by Nick Faber
Monday, January 23rd, 2012

From Bull City to the Capital City

In 2002, George W. Bush’s State of the Union Address was the first to be broadcast live on the Internet. Tomorrow night, President Obama’s White House will be marking another SOTU first with a live Tweetup.

Followers of the @WhiteHouse on Twitter were invited to apply for a chance to visit the White House and join a live online discussion of the State of the Union, followed by an in-person panel with Administration officials. We’re excited to announce that our own Political Advertising Strategist, Donald Hughes, was one of the Twitter users chosen to participate.

Donald often finds himself at the intersection of politics, technology and current events, so it’s no surprise to us that he was picked for this historic event. In the Tweetup application, which asked Twitterers to express their interest in 140 characters or less, he called Twitter the “Woodstock for Millennials.” Like Woodstock, he explained, Twitter is a venue for freedom of expression, where people can share everything about who they are and what they’re interested in.

In addition to their own questions and commentary, the Tweetup participants will also be able to ask questions on behalf of their own followers. So be sure to follow Donald at @DonaldHughes for live updates, photos and an opportunity to participate in the  White House Tweeteup (#WHTweetup) tomorrow night.

Meet our newest team members!

by Nick Faber
Thursday, January 19th, 2012

This new year has already brought some awesome news for Blogads. We’re in a new city, working in a new office and we’ve welcomed two new team members into new positions.

Meet Justin Weber and Zach Strom.

Justin joins us as an assistant project manager, with a speciality in quantitative research. When he’s not decoding trends on the Internet, you can find him writing about music, as well as performing it. He has degrees in Journalism and Mass Communication from UNC-Chapel Hill (MA) and Colorado State University (BA) and is well-acquainted with the Durham New Media scene, having interned at Durham-based ad agency McKinney.

Zach Strom is our newest sales strategist. He’s a graduate of UNC’s Kenan-Flagler Business School and comes to Blogads as a veteran of the Triangle tech scene, having worked for the Council of Entrepreneurial Development (CED) at the nearby American Tobacco Campus. Zach’s also an athlete and sports enthusiast, and has coached kids at a local sports camp and worked ESPN’s X Games in Los Angeles.

Welcome, gentlemen!

The colorful carpet tiles of Blogads HQ

by Nick Faber
Thursday, January 12th, 2012

OH at Blogads HQ: "Whoa, looks like i'll be sitting on a patch of grass!"

It’s hard to believe we’ve only been in Durham for a week an a half. Every day, our new office feels a little more like home. And what home would be complete without — carpet tiles!? (more…)

Downtown Durham, NC, in a word…

by Nick Faber
Wednesday, December 21st, 2011

Starting in 2012, one the words we’ll use to describe Downtown Durham will be “home.”

We can’t wait to tap into the vibrant, energetic, creative, funky, hoppin’, eclectic culture of the Bull City.

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