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Archive for the ‘Twitter’ Category

Dave Winer: Twitter is bleeding the blogs

by Henry Copeland
Sunday, December 2nd, 2012

Dave Winer, a trailblazer in blogging software and all around visionary when it comes to the social web, is increasingly pessimistic about the survival of small and niche blogs in the face of Twitter’s “140-character grunts and snorts.” By extension, Winer sees diminishing coverage of important information niches. He sees a possible solution, networking, but thinks its unlikely: “If we could do more networking on a more regular and systematic basis, that would create incentives for more people to do it [blog], and would build flow independent of Twitter. But blogs work like everything else. Installed leaders don’t generally help upstarts.”

Dave was amazingly prescient in foretelling the exponential wave of people-powered publishing that started with blogging and rolled on through Myspace, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Pinterest, Instagram et al. This post from early 1995, titled “Billions of websites,” included this passage: “Every writer can participate in the web. Someday, very soon, I believe, every writer will. That’s the next big opportunity in the online world.”

Five reasons you should start using Twitter lists today

by Nick Faber
Tuesday, March 20th, 2012

You’re out to lunch with a close friend that you follow on Twitter. She starts to tell you about the movie she went to the night before. “It was so lame,” she says, “I actually — well, you probably saw my tweet.”

You fake a laugh. “Oh yeah,” you say. You’re lying. You follow over 500 people on Twitter and can’t possibly read every tweet, even those written by your closest friends.

Or can you? (more…)

Ad agencies on Twitter: “I” vs “We”

by Nick Faber
Wednesday, February 29th, 2012

When you’re tweeting for a 10,000 person ad agency, should your tweets be written in the first person or the third person?

We hosted a SMWNY Social Media Week called “The voice behind the curtain,” at which we asked four intrepid ad agency tweeters to share stories and insights about representing entire organizations of creative geniuses on Twitter. One discussion that ignited the audience’s twitter-feed came from a simple question: is your agency an “I” or a “We” on Twitter? (more…)

Ding Dong: The Kim Jong Il Twitter trend that wasn’t – yet!

by Nick Faber
Monday, December 19th, 2011

Shortly after the announcement of Kim Jong Il’s death, the 2004 film Team America became a trending topic on Twitter. But Team America, which features a lonely Kim Jon Il marionette, is not the only film being referenced on Twitter today.

Dozens of Twitter users are also comparing Kim Jong Il to the Wicked Witch of the West from the Wizard of Oz, tweeting out variations on “Ding Dong” and “The Witch is Dead.” Here are a dozen tweets from the #dingdong trend that wasn’t:


Netflix dumps Qwikster, Twitterverse QWIK to make same, obvious pun

by Nick Faber
Monday, October 10th, 2011

Looks like Netflix has decided to drop its DVD-only service, Qwikster, before it even launched. The ill-named site has allowed anyone with a Twitter account to be very, very funny. In the exact same way.

At the time of post’s original publication at 11am, this pun had been made nearly 100 times. Here are the first 25 people to think of it. (more…)

Interview with @Advil: The prankster, not the painkiller

by Nick Faber
Monday, October 3rd, 2011

A couple weeks a go, a young man with a pot-smoking Elmo Twitter avatar captured the imagination of the Internet when Netflix announced that it would mailing DVDs from the brand name Qwikster.  While journalists and bloggers criticized Netflix for not doing its due diligence in selecting a brand name, Jason Castillo’s @Qwikster account gained thousands of new followers.

But Jason’s not the only twitterer with a brand-name account. There are dozens, maybe hundreds of others that got to the good names first, and today we meet the man behind one of those accounts. Abdul Dremali is @Advil. (more…)

Facebook’s unsung innovation of the f8 conference: The Vest

by Nick Faber
Thursday, September 22nd, 2011

If you peaked at the #f8 Twitter stream before Zuck took the stage today, you would have thought the Facebook developer conference was a fashion show.


9 off-color tweets from people who claimed brand names on Twitter first

by Nick Faber
Monday, September 19th, 2011

Netflix has really stirred the pot, so to speak, with the announcement of its new DVD-only service, Qwikster. Apparently, in its haste to rebrand, someone at Netflix forgot to check if the @Qwikster Twitter handle had already been claimed. It had been, by a weed-smoking Elmo, apparently.

@Qwikster is just the latest brand-busting Twitterer to be added to my list, “Not Who You Think We Are”. Here are some more, uh, off-brand tweets:

Have you seen any other off-branded Twitter accounts? Let me know, and I’ll add ’em to the list!

Wendi Deng, Twitter folk hero

by Nick Faber
Tuesday, July 19th, 2011

In case you haven’t heard yet, Rupert Murdoch’s wife smacked the hell out of a would-be pie thrower at her husband’s Parliamentary hearing today.

Once the foam settled, and the hearings resumed, the slap’s aftershock continued to ripple through Twitter, like a lede-burying folk tune:

Rupert Murdoch can recover all losses from this scandal by having 20th Century Fox remake Fist of Fury starring Wendi Deng.
Joel Stein
"Wendi Deng just became Wendi DAAAAAAAAAAANG." - @ #letthememesbegin
Jenna Wortham

well, one thing is for sure: wendi deng is pretty bad ass.
Brian Morrissey

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