Netflix dumps Qwikster, Twitterverse QWIK to make same, obvious pun
Looks like Netflix has decided to drop its DVD-only service, Qwikster, before it even launched. The ill-named site has allowed anyone with a Twitter account to be very, very funny. In the exact same way.
At the time of post’s original publication at 11am, this pun had been made nearly 100 times. Here are the first 25 people to think of it.
Netflix dumps Qwikster right qwik, let the pun-headlines commence!
— Adland (@adland) October 10, 2011
Well that was Qwik.
— John Dickerson (@jdickerson) October 10, 2011
Well, that was qwik: #Netflix $NFLX abandons unpopular plan to spin off its DVD-by-mail service and rename it #Qwikster
— FOX Business (@FoxBusiness) October 10, 2011
That was qwik.…
— Ryan Irelan (@ryanirelan) October 10, 2011
Well, that was qwik. RT @lheron: Netflix abandons plans to rent DVDs on Qwikster
— Jeff Sonderman ? (@jeffsonderman) October 10, 2011
Qwikster is dead. #ThatWasQwik
— Greg Gerik (@ggerik) October 10, 2011
that was Qwik. “@IanSohn: PIVOT! | RT @amybp: That was fast. @nytimes reports Netflix abandons Qwikster plans:”
— Melanie Notkin (@savvyauntie) October 10, 2011
Netflix kills Qwikster: #ThatWasQwik
— glen jackson taylor (@default) October 10, 2011
The Qwik and the Dead
— Rachel_Weingarten(@rachelcw) October 10, 2011
Well, that was qwik.
— Peter Cohen (@flargh) October 10, 2011
Well, that was qwik.
— Peter Cohen (@flargh) October 10, 2011
(That was qwik…) Netflix Ditches Qwikster, Will Keep DVD Rentals at…
— Nick (@Schnik) October 10, 2011
They made the pun I was about to make… -> That Was Qwik: Netflix Dumps Qwikster Rebrand | paidContent
— Andrew Girvan (@andrew_girvan) October 10, 2011
That was Qwik – – Netflix Abandons Plan to Rent DVDs on Qwikster:
— CrenshawComm/PR(@CrenshawComm) October 10, 2011
Netflix does Qwik turn, will keep DVD and streaming together #tpmscoop
— Michelle Ashby (@tippingptmedia) October 10, 2011
Well that was Qwik! @Netflix Abandons Qwikster DVD Plan
— Likeable Media(@LikeableMedia) October 10, 2011
That was “Qwik” RT @timmetry: RT @cnntech: Already? Netflix abandons plan to split its DVD and streaming services:…
— Steve (@Soxfan311) October 10, 2011
Netflix canceled the plans for Qwikster. Well, that was qwik.
— Kerry McGuire (@Kerry_McGuire) October 10, 2011
Well, that was qwik: Netflix dumps Qwikster, keeps DVD service on main website
— sherean (@sherean) October 10, 2011
Well that was a Qwik demise for Qwikster…
— Teresa Mastrangelo (@broadbandtrends) October 10, 2011
#Apple Netflix does Qwik turn, will keep DVD and streaming together:Three weeks after it announc… #TodoSobreTec
— Francisco De LaTorre (@PaKiTo360) October 10, 2011
That was, umm, qwik: RT @KerryGorgone: Qwikster Is Gonester: Netflix Kills Its DVD-Only Business Before Launch
— Bob Ambrogi (@bobambrogi) October 10, 2011
Customer feedback prompts “Qwik” demise of @netflix plans to spin off DVDs:
— Jonathan Serrie (@jonathanserrie) October 10, 2011
That was Qwik! Netflix ditches plans for separate DVD rental site called …
— Rodney Randolph (@mailshopweb) October 10, 2011
Well that was *puts on sunglasses* Qwik. #yeahhhhhhhhh(I’m so sorry to do this to you, but I haven’t had my coffee yet.)
— J Goldberg (@One_Letter) October 10, 2011