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Archive for the ‘Wordsmiths’ Category

Pullquote styles

by Henry Copeland
Friday, May 3rd, 2013

The most exciting thing about building a new tool is watching how various creative people decide to use it. Inevitably there are lots of unexpected behaviors and unanticipated idioms. That’s the case with tool that some of our team members are building called Pullquote, which makes it easy to link to a paragraph or idea. Below I’ve documented a few of these different use cases. (Shout if you’d like to help test drive the beta version of Pullquote.)

The bottom line on Henry Blodget’s Business Insider

by Henry Copeland
Thursday, April 11th, 2013

Buried inside Ken Auletta’s recent New Yorker profile of Henry Blodget, there’s an ex-ray of the skeleton of Business Insider‘s P&L.

Six years on, the site projects $9.3 million in ad revenues for 2013. (Update: Henry B. wrote overnight that this figure was for 2012; I guess Auletta was interviewing Henry B in 2012, and their fabled fact checkers didn’t adjust the “this year” in Blodget’s quote.)

“That’s tiny. Ad rates are low. It’s tough to monetize,” says Blodget.

According to Comscore, BI has 9 million monthly US readers. (24 million global according to Google Analytics.) The rest of BI’s revenues (projected to total $11 million in 2013) come from conferences.

Anyone know how many editorial, sales and/or tech staff BI has these days? (Update: overnight Henry B. writes “~100.”)

Email addiction: The seven signs you’ve got it

by Kelly Giles
Monday, April 23rd, 2012

Hi, I’m Kelly, and I have an email addiction. How do I know? Because I meet every single one of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) standards for addiction (explained lay-people terms here). This is the definition used by doctors, people! And I bet you have one, too. Take a little quiz and find out: (more…)

Readers’ Choice: Who should have won the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction?

by Nick Faber
Thursday, April 19th, 2012

“Most readers hearing the news will not assume it was a deadlock. They’ll just figure it was a bum year for fiction,” wrote author Ann Patchett in her New York Times piece, “And the Winner Isn’t …”

Readers, authors, publishers and book sellers have been fuming over this week over the absence of a prize in the fiction category, the first Pulitzer fiction snub since 1977. In addition to confusing and putting off readers, the lack of a fiction prize vexes authors and eliminates the built-in promotional push publishers rely on.

Since the Pulitzer Committee has let us down, we’re asking the real influentials of the blogosphere to weigh in.  Head over to our poll on Facebook and let us know who should have won.

photo by flickr user quinnanya.

Netflix dumps Qwikster, Twitterverse QWIK to make same, obvious pun

by Nick Faber
Monday, October 10th, 2011

Looks like Netflix has decided to drop its DVD-only service, Qwikster, before it even launched. The ill-named site has allowed anyone with a Twitter account to be very, very funny. In the exact same way.

At the time of post’s original publication at 11am, this pun had been made nearly 100 times. Here are the first 25 people to think of it. (more…)

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