Barometer: Rahm, Occupy, Google and more | Blogads

Barometer: Rahm, Occupy, Google and more

Welcome to the fifth post in our Barometer series, helping you gauge the atmosphere in the political blogosphere 7 weeks before the election.

Althouse – Why Do So Many More Americans Think Obama Will Win Than Want Him to Win?
A peek at election psychology.

Taylor Marsh – News Desk: Teachers Stay Out, Rahm Seeks Injunction
Chicago mayor calls extended strike illegal- will it get teachers back in the classroom?

Outside the Beltway – One Year Later, The Failure of Occupy Wall Street is Apparent
A reflection on the movement’s anniversary.

The Smirking Chimp – Google Rightfully Rejects White House Request to Yank Innocence of Muslims from YouTube
Google stands firm on first amendment freedoms regarding the controversial clip.

Photos from: sdpurtill, PaulSteinJC, warrantedarrest

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