Global Warming, Candy Crowley, Debate #2 and more – Barometer
Welcome to the ninth post in our Barometer series, helping you gauge the atmosphere in the political blogosphere just 3 weeks before the election.
Q and O Online Magazine – Global Warming Appears to Have Stopped 16 Years Ago
New data may push climate change to the front of the election agenda.
Taylor Marsh – Scandal Erupts as Candy Crowley Reveals She Might Go Rogue
The Obama and Romney camps want tomorrow night’s moderator to play a limited role in the town-hall style debate, but will the CNN correspondent play along?
The Lonely Conservative – Photographer Believes Racist Romney T-Shirt Was Photo-Shopped
“Put the white back in the White House” shirt goes viral, but some say it’s a hoax.
Democratic Underground- Obama Camp Tips Hand on Debate
Obama to take a Biden-style approach, aggressively going after Bain, the $5 trillion tax cut and women’s healthcare.
Photos from: Kevin M. Gill, DonkeyHotey, Don Relyea