Take 5 – Links from the Blogads Network
It’s Friday.You’ve earned a break to enrich yourself with these gems from around the Blogads network (and if it’s any day other than Friday when you get around to seeing this, you still earned it-go you!):
GalaDarling explores Chinese face-reading:
Long story short, put down your tweezers.
DogShaming revamps the site:
Site designs come and go, but shameful pups are forever.
Lamebook showcases an imaginative OJ enthusiast:
Breakfast of champions…nay, of superheroes.
Dulce Candy does Coachella:
And for good measure, here’s more to be jealous of.
LadyGunn shows behind-the-scenes footage of their Peter Facinelli shoot:
Turns out, Mike Dexter didn’t peak in high school after all.
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