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Posts Tagged ‘Homepage’

SUXORZ 2013: Recapping the Worst Social Media Campaigns of 2012

by Paige Wilcox
Friday, February 22nd, 2013

Happy Valentine’s Day! – Links from the Blogads Network

by Paige Wilcox
Thursday, February 14th, 2013

For anyone who has been having this week, these links from around the Blogads network are for you:

GalaDarling fills us in on “50 Ways to Have a Very Un-Valentine’s Day:”

This list really starts out with a bang.

WSWCM nails today on the head:

Like looking into a mirror.

DogShaming’s Zoe celebrated Galentine’s Day last night:

No one’s tying that girl down.

Immaculate Infatuation always knows the best places to go eat your emotions:

I’ll take a deep-fried sweet potato for one, please.

WTF, Pinterest? reminds us that we really didn’t want a Valentine’s Day gift, anyways:

I think Le Vian Chocolate Diamonds are missing from that list.

Beyonce Bowl 2013- Links from the Blogads Network

by Paige Wilcox
Thursday, February 7th, 2013

In honor of Beyonce’s killer showing of hardwork and excellence at Sunday’s Super Bowl halftime show, let’s go ahead and celebrate her in addition to some other fierce ladies around the Blogads network:

First, The White Sade reminds us why we’re meant to be the fourth member of Destiny’s Child:

I make funny faces with friends, too! Wow, celebrities are just like us.

Tom and Lorenzo grace Quvenzhané Wallis with their latest WERQ:

I’d like to know where I can get a puppy purse like that.

IMBOYCRAZY always gives the most entertaining “blind leading the blind” advice:

I appreciate the confirmation that sleeping with your makeup still on is the mark of an exciting life rather than just being lazy.

Apocalypstick unleashes “the battle cry of the female blogger:”

Hypothetical winky faces are the worst.

Raise your blood orange mimosas, and cheers to all of the above with thanks to The Forest Feast’s recipe:

It’s always the right time for mimosas. Brunch be damned.

SLC Love – Links from around the Alt Design Summit

by Paige Wilcox
Thursday, January 31st, 2013

Last week, I visited Salt Lake City to check out the 4th annual Alt Design Summit. Other than being incredibly impressed by the thoughtfulness and attention to detail that was so evident in the quality of all of the Summit’s events, the attendees really stole the show is terms of personality and personal style. So this week, I’m highlighting just some of the amazing women I met there:

Goodheart’s Danica highlights her experience at this year’s ALT SLC:

Wow- who are those three ladies dressed like Mrs. Peacock at the Clue-themed party? They seem pretty cool.

Squirrelly Minds’ Tanya shows off her adorable business cards:

Business cards at the Alt Design Summit were their own art form. The squirrel-shaped paper clips attached to Tanya’s cards raised the bar.

The Glamorous Housewife’s Bethany features her glam outfits for the Alt Design Summit:

If you didn’t notice Bethany at the Alt Design Summit, you must not have been there.

The Vintage Mixer’s Becky shares an Alt-inspired parfait recipe:

If you ever go on a food tour of SLC, you want this girl leading the way.

Although a bit under the weather, DahliaLynn’s Jessica managed to take some great pics at the event:

She has an amazing sense of style and creates enviable jewelry, too.  How rude.


photo by me :)

Puzzling Posts – Links from the Blogads Network

by Paige Wilcox
Friday, January 18th, 2013

There were quite a few interesting posts this week published around the Blogads network that left me with more questions than answers. See if they are as perplexing for you:

DogShaming introduces Honeydog and her affinity for eggshells:

What are 30 lbs. of eggshells doing in this person’s car to begin with?

Necole Bitchie announces the return of Kris Kross and Xscape performing in Atlanta next month:

What are the real names of the Kris Kross duo? Have they been living their lives as Mac Daddy and Daddy Mac for the past 20 years? Why is one of them wearing sunglasses inside? Why are their clothes on the right way?

Lamebook issues a Creep Alert:

Has this tactic worked for Todd in the past? How did he see this playing out? Why did Isadora respond to an acquaintance Facebooking her at 3:00 a.m.?

Regretsy shares an exceptionally gross Craigslist post:

Why would someone freeze nail clippings? Do nails go bad if left unchilled? What was this guy’s intention when he first started saving his nail clippings? What does he expect someone to do with them? How hard is it to spell “weird” correctly?

CuteOverload highlights some of the best reader-submitted pictures of pets with computers:

How does one get pet hair out of a keyboard? Why are kittens getting warm next to a laptop the absolute cutest (last pic)? How could you own a hedgehog and not name it Sonic?


photo by flickr user brad montgomery

Ever want to link to a specific sentence or paragraph?

by Henry Copeland
Thursday, January 17th, 2013

Sick of copy/pasting text, then going back to grab the URL? Tired of linking to articles, then hoping people read far enough to find the sentences that matter? Have you ever just wanted to link directly to a sentence or paragraph on a web page? If you’ve got these itches, we’d value your feedback on Pullquotes, a side project some colleagues have created. Apply for an invite to become a pullquote slinging, micro-bookmarking pioneer at the bottom of the site.

Primetime Recaps! – Links from the Blogads Network

by Paige Wilcox
Thursday, January 10th, 2013

This may be the time many of us are experiencing post-holiday blues, but there’s a silver lining: your favorite shows are finally airing new episodes! In celebration of the long awaited return of your must-see shows, we’re spotlighting some key recaps from around the Blogads network:

Tom and Lorenzo take a break from their fashion highlights to reflect on the latest episode of ABC’s Revenge:

Special addition to this recap: Declan is the worst.

Possisstonista fills Fox’s New Girl fans in on where to get the clothes featured this week:

One of the sweaters is even on sale. ..now we’re talkin’.

Betches Loves This is back in action with “The Best Bachelor Recap You’ll Ever Read: Week 1:”

Don’t feel bad about laughing; just remember that these people volunteered to do this.

This #WHATSHOULDWECALLME gif is inspired by Sunday’s episode of Happy Endings:

Max and I would definitely be best friends in real life.

IMBOYCRAZY’s Alexi’s latest “Boycrazy Radio” episode is available to provide insights on your love and life issues:

Call in on Wednesday nights to make the live show!


photo by flickr user espensorvik

Time to Celebrate! – Links from the Blogads Network

by Paige Wilcox
Friday, December 21st, 2012

Tis the season for celebration! Between the holidays, work/school breaks and other milestones, these bloggers from around the Blogads network prove that there’s a lot to be jazzed about right about now:

Curbly features a slew of holiday-themed DIY projects:

Great way to create atmosphere for holiday celebrations! I need to find a crafty friend to get started on these for me ASAP.

Gala Darling turns six years-old:

The site doesn’t look a day over two.

WSWCM exposes the dangers of overly excited holiday shopping:

I want to celebrate this child always and forever.

Possessionista loops us in to all of the Bachelorette‘s Ashely and JP wedding fashion:

Congrats to the happily well-dressed couple! May their union last longer than the franchise’s next season.

RKOI reminds us that rich kids are still being rich:

I’d like to raise a glass of my $5 Trader Joe’s Vinho Verde to them. Cheers!


photo by flickr user susivinh

Finals Week! – Links from the Blogads Network

by Paige Wilcox
Thursday, December 13th, 2012

Word on the street is that it’s final exam week for many students. We’re always happy to provide a study break, so in solidarity, here are some test-related posts from around the Blogads network:

WSWCM accurately illustrates many students’ sentiments towards their teachers:

A+ for being spot on.

DogShaming shames Ranger for scaring wimpy kid:

The kid gets an F for out-shaming the dog.

Tom and Lorenzo judge Katie Holmes’ Tom Ford number:

C for good color but unflattering shape.

The Pintester recreates the book Christmas tree:

The recreation isn’t too bad at all: B!

Regretsy highlights this felt nativity scene:

E for effort? Nah, still an F.


photo by flickr user blah.adam

Playing Ketchup – Links from the Blogads Network

by Paige Wilcox
Thursday, December 6th, 2012

It’s that time of the week for you to catch up on the updates and news you’ve been missing from around the Blogads network:

IMBOYCRAZY’s Alexi provides entertaining  life musings in her “Blind Leading the Blind” series:

Oh, hi, #3. I think we’ve met before.

Immaculate Infatuation recaps their Turkey Leg Ball extravaganza:

The event’s playlist is definitely worth downloading. It’s been the soundtrack to my week.

Mr. Kate just launched a new site redesign:

Loving all of the watercolor.

WTF, Pinterest? marks the end of the kale trend:

Back to being a brush-off garnish where you belong!

Betches Love This announces the first official Decembetch:

If you’re not wearing pink this month, you can’t sit with us.


photo by flickr user a2gemma

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